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my my, oh give me love.

I'm that awkward girl who wants to stay home and read books or watch chick flick movies. Loves Strawberries and a Frustrated Writer. I like to cold weathers, I'm a God-fearing girl. Dreamer, Introvert and Optimistic. Loves to listen at The Cab and Sleeping with Sirens.

: Anika • Sixteen • Blogger .
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The Fault in Our Stars ♥
written on Friday 2 November 2012 @ 22:57 ✈

I have already finished reading this Wonderful book by Mr. John Green and if you wonder what my Reaction would be after i finished reading it..

So so so so so Sad.

I knew from the start that this story wouldn't have a Happy ending because Hazel Grace had this Cancer on Lungs. And his friend, Augustus who lost his one leg, and Isaac, who would lose his eyesight after days.

If i have friends like them, i will spend my day with them and fulfill everything on their bucketlist. I love to make everyone happy, you know.

(The lines lines i keep on re-reading sobs)

Anyways! This was the first book i finished. (I own the New Moon book, The Mockingjay, Summer Confidential and that local book written by a filipino writer and i don't even finished a single book.) Maybe i finished this one because i'm way too attached with the characters. I love all of the persons that was included in this story.

I hate Peter Van Houten, Though.

anyways! I recommend this book to all of you because it was worth reading. Spending my One Sleepless night and two long day to finish this, It was worth it. And prepare tissues!!! *spoiler*

Good Day,
 - Nhika. 

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