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my my, oh give me love.

I'm that awkward girl who wants to stay home and read books or watch chick flick movies. Loves Strawberries and a Frustrated Writer. I like to cold weathers, I'm a God-fearing girl. Dreamer, Introvert and Optimistic. Loves to listen at The Cab and Sleeping with Sirens.

: Anika • Sixteen • Blogger .
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recent update :
Enchanted Kingdom //
written on Tuesday 13 November 2012 @ 03:58 ✈

Holla! I'm back on posting a blogpost! Me, My brother and Sister-in-law planned to have a mini-bonding. but we couldn't think of any place so my Cousin asked if i'm free to go in Enchanted Kingdom last saturday. So, I told my kuya that why would we just go to EK and have fun? They agreed so.. There.. We're on the magical placee!

I first tried to Ride Space Shuttle, I fearlessly rode that one and it turns out great, IT'S SO FUN! I know it's kinda scary.. But, YOLO! You have to try anything until you die. 

The next one was Log Jam. The line was really long that time, i was so embarrassed because i have to excused myself to get through my brother's line which is almost close to the point. It turns out great tho.

And the third one, We watched the 4D.

But before that, we took this (Crazy...) pictures.

And here we are inside, ready to watch the "Journey to the Center of the Earth"

After that, we try to go inside the SRR house, but i was too afraid to go so, there.. no pictures. :( And the last one we tried Rio de Grande. (We didn't take any pictures because of excitement and it might get wet.) Then we tried flying fiesta, which makes me so dizzy and puke.. (no pictures again because the camera died.)

Here's some other pictures i took before we ride anything. (Or some post are pictures while we're on the line)

That's all! Just an update to you guys, see you soon!
- Nhika x

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