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my my, oh give me love.

I'm that awkward girl who wants to stay home and read books or watch chick flick movies. Loves Strawberries and a Frustrated Writer. I like to cold weathers, I'm a God-fearing girl. Dreamer, Introvert and Optimistic. Loves to listen at The Cab and Sleeping with Sirens.

: Anika • Sixteen • Blogger .
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Everything Has Changed// MERRY CHRISTMAS!
written on Monday 24 December 2012 @ 08:29 ✈


Today's my Father's Birthday. It's Papa Jesus. I thanked him for everything he gave me each day, for every blessing he'd made for me. For every lesson he taught me. I'll love him forever and ready to risk my life just for him. And December 25th was just an ordinary day for me, but it surely has a meaningful day for me.

I realized something today, I really do risk my own life for my Crushes/Idols while i don't even have a time for myself. For those money i wasted just to buy tickets or pamasahe, why didn't i just buy an Acne Medications or New Dresses? I know, It's a part of someone's life to fangirl. but, i need to know my limitations.

I didn't really regret a thing on how i loved them. It's just.. i need limitations. i don't have to waste like, 1000 pesos for a get together. for sure 200 pesos is enough to spend. but, why 1000? hahaha that's why!

Another thing, I have to change my personality. I don't have to be that girl who just, secretly keep what's on her mind. She has to tell what she feels and what she knows. Don't have to be serious. (It makes my pimple grow bigger haha) Kind of a Happy-Go-Lucky was fine.

And don't ever fall in love to easily, so i don't have to broke so easy.

That's all! Have a happy holidays again!
- Nhika x

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