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my my, oh give me love.

I'm that awkward girl who wants to stay home and read books or watch chick flick movies. Loves Strawberries and a Frustrated Writer. I like to cold weathers, I'm a God-fearing girl. Dreamer, Introvert and Optimistic. Loves to listen at The Cab and Sleeping with Sirens.

: Anika • Sixteen • Blogger .
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recent update :
Ja-nu-a-ry //
written on Wednesday 16 January 2013 @ 05:46 ✈

New Year, New Me. I already told myself that every year but, i'm still the same me. Getting worst each year and getting really stressed on my life. I don't even have a time for myself this year because i'm putting it off to others than me. I sometimes want to have a little rest for a while and get back on reality. I even told myself to be productive, but as hard as i do, i always give up. Don't really know what the reason is, Sometimes i feel like sleeping. but, the truth is.. I'm so tired.

I've got a long journey ahead and i still hate myself, i can't even do everything right. Maybe 2013 isn't my year. Every night i asked God, Can you please change me? but i know he will guide me and i will be the one to do it all. But, how? I haven't found my way yet.

And i really feel so alone this past days, thinking no one will be there for me if i have problems. i don't want to be gone in this world, not having the love i think i deserve. well, maybe i don't deserve it? I don't know.  kinda feel i'm on depression or something. I'm getting worst each day, each month and each year.

I just want to be loved , that's what all people need. I want peace, i don't want to many people to be my enemies. I want to be successful, i want to achieve my dreams, i want to find the real me.

Where's the real me?

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