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my my, oh give me love.

I'm that awkward girl who wants to stay home and read books or watch chick flick movies. Loves Strawberries and a Frustrated Writer. I like to cold weathers, I'm a God-fearing girl. Dreamer, Introvert and Optimistic. Loves to listen at The Cab and Sleeping with Sirens.

: Anika • Sixteen • Blogger .
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recent update :
3rd Month and Bucketlist //
written on Sunday 3 March 2013 @ 05:04 ✈

So, March it is! March entered pretty bad on me. I don't want to move house, i want to live here in Muntinlupa forever. i don't wanna waste my time moving around to different places. This place is enough for me. I hope someday my mom could understand what i feel, I hate being taken over by her decisions.  If she wanted to be away from my cruel auntie's then, why don't she just ignored them? Why is she letting our lives destroyed by this stupid gossips made by them, why don't she just tell how she feels?

And the second problem is what i feel in this guy, It's confusing me! Well, Boys are really confusing and difficult to understand. It's like, i don't want to embarrassed, I don't wanna make him see my ugly side. I want to show him what i really am, but it's really hard.

The third problem is Graduation. Am i really finishing high school in a few days? I won't ever see and bond with my friends again? I won't wake up early to get inside of the classroom early just to copy notes? Field trips? Retreats? JS? Intrams? I'll miss high school. It's definitely one of the best years I've ever had. I'll miss my friends the most, they're the one who's making me smile, sad , angry or others but it's alright for me. They're my friends for almost 3 years. I'll miss everything, even my school or teachers... everyone.

'Cause i've been really sad these days, i saw my new Journal thing and to cheer myself up, i made myself my own bucketlist. I really hope this thing will work, i wanna make all of this checked and capture every moment of it. I don't own the Camera, i wish i do but i don't. But, i'll borrow it to my Brother and make sure to capture every moment. I'll miss everything.

March is the saddest month for me. I really hope this month ends good.

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